8.2 RightsClaimConflictNotification message

The RightsClaimConflictNotification message is made up of a series of Records each of which enables a music licensing company to communicate to two or more claiming parties, the same information regarding a single rights claim conflict where the total claims exceeds 100% for a specific period and territory.

Each Record in a RightsClaimConflictNotification message, as specified in Clause 7.3, represents one rights claim conflict involving two or more conflicting parties. Each Record includes among other data, the list of all the conflicting parties, the resource metadata, the territory, the start and end date of the conflict and the claimed right share percentage. The data in respect of each rights claim conflict shall only be specified in respect of a single territory.

RightsClaimConflictNotification message created in accordance with this standard shall conform to the technical details defined in Clause 8.4 and be communicated in accordance with Clause 5.

Each RightsClaimConflictNotification message shall comprise of the following Records:

  1. 1 header Record of type CHEA created as defined in Clause 9.1;

  1. 1-n Records of type RTCR, each of which contains one ClaimedResource, one RightsConflict, a set number of conflicting parties and the associated rights claim information created in accordance with Clause 9.3; and

  1. 1 footer Record CFOO created in accordance with Clause 9.2.